June Announcements
Modified on: Fri, 12 Mar, 2021 at 12:14 PM
On Monday, June 8, a new update of the Administration Area was deployed.
What's new?
Adding questions from trainings. The way to add Questions from trainings has been updated. Check out our article Create a training
The 0 moment for new organizations. We've created a small dashboard guide so companies that have just registered and come to the administration panel know what the first steps are

From the link on the dashboard header, you can access this small guide with the following sections:

From this first section, you access directly to the Users page to invite them to register or to the Segments page to create the segments* of the company.
* In future iterations of this functionality, default Segments will be added for all companies (which can be edited and deleted) as an example of what a Segment is.

From here you can go directly to the Training page, where you can create your first training*.
* As in the previous section, a default training will soon be available for the administrator to use as a reference for testing, creating a new one or publishing it.
iZap is our bot, feed it with questions!

This section briefly introduces Zap and how it learns by sending questions which it doesn't yet know to specialists in the question category. From here you can access the Categories page and the list of Without Answers Questions within the Questions page.
This functionality will be available until the first training is published.
Other improvements and bug fixes
Change to the new Sendgrid account, which will prevent Zapiens' emails from sometimes reaching the Spam folder
Fixed the error in the order in which the training sessions with draft status were displayed
Fixed the error in which the user could answer more questions than they were assigned per day by doing it from different devices and thus add more points
Fixed the error in the date of completed trainings
Fixed the bug where when creating a training session the chat didn't appear
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